Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hey Ma tiny gumdrops ;D just going over the awardz with you one last time and gonna share ma opinion on it cuz im epic like that ;D oki so yea lets get started :P anyways


The awards ceremony will be on Friday March 8th where the Woozband will be announcing winners. Here are the categories that will be won:
Best Romance Photo Reel- For Me the best Romance Reel Would Be Something Totally Sweet And Heart Warming, And Funny At Some Points, Ya cant have a true love story without a couple of jokes roflmao
Best Adventure Photo Reel- In My opinion this would be something REALLY dangerous like....walking and eating :O oki so a lil more dangerous then that but ya know...maybe a surprise ending...a death...idk...poison ;D yea :P
Best Sci-fi Photo Reel- To Me This....well i dont watch these kinda movies so yea this wouldnt exsist :P
Best Mystery Photo Reel- This Would DEFINATLY have a murder in it!!! and someone having an affair, but then again this is woozworld so idk :P
Best Female Wooztress (Actress)- Someone Who Made The Reel Come Alive And Reall Made People Laugh, Maybe The Person We Saw Most
Best Male Wooztor (Actor)- The Handsom, Cxxie One Who's Just Plain Epic :P
Best Supporting Female
Best Supporting Male
Most Creative Scene
Best Costume Design
The Woozband will be hand picking the winners from the submissions received!

Okie I got Tired Of Typing for every single one of them so Ill just skip to what I think Of THE PRIZES :p


The winners will be announced at the Woozcarz 2013 Live Ceremony on Friday March 8th.
Each of the winners will get these AWESOME prizes…
A Woozcarz 2013 Trophy
1000 Wooz to help you create your next Photo Reel
An achievement to show off their fame & glory of Woozcarz 2013!
In addition, finalists will get 250 Wooz for making it so far!
 PURE EPIC  but could be better :P

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