Friday, February 22, 2013

WzW! And Contest!

I'm gonna do a contest it's on how well do you know me gang members can enter. Ok so if you don't know the answer for one of the questions just don't answer or write Idk if it says you have to answer xD

So here's the quiz :p:
  • How well do you know me?


Okkkkkkk Prizes:

3rd Place: 100 wooz and a shout out on Woozworld Deadline and Woozworld Mysterious
2nd Place: 150 wooz and a shout out on Woozworld Mysterious and Woozworld Deadline
1st Place: 200 wooz and a shout out on Woozworld Deadline and Woozworld Mysterious

So if you want wooz..enter ;D All you have to do is full out a form so why not? xD

Contest ends 29th of february so for any americans it will be 28th of february for u :p so yeah. 

Good Luck!(:
~Luv Ya xx <3 

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