Monday, March 11, 2013

Lovely's Tips #2: WoozIn

Hola Mysterious!

It's Lovely here, round and about! Hehe. With another edition of...Lovely's Tips! BTW, I may be doing it with THE AMAZING co-owner (Har) soon :D But here's edition 2! Subject today, as you've read above is...WOOZIN! I've been spending a lot of time there lately so...:)

1. Have A Music Chat. Hehe. You probably don't know what the heck I mean by this, do ya? Well it's like when you get another person who's bored and you talk using those song titles...there are some really strange ones out there!

2. Hand Out A Tbh. Post, 'Comment for a tbh!' or something and give a tbh (to be honest, like what you honestly think of the woozen) to whoever comments c:

3. Do Confessions. I think you will know this one! Post something or whatever for confessions, like 'WoozUp for confessions!' and see how many woozups for the confessions you have to do. I had to do 13 last time! Lol.

3. Get off WoozIn..Get on World. And take some fab-u pics of yourself ;) Fashy (Fashion-Pashion) is a great example. Or Rikki (RikkiBlue), her pictures are great as well!

4. Awkward... Yup! Post some AWKWARD awkward moments. :P

5. Stalking Time ^-^ Secret/Cookie's normally the one to do this, but stalk your bestiez wallz and see what they're up to! Just as long as you don't pass the privacy lines ;)

6. Commenting Time So this is like, totally uncreative, as I just did 'Stalking Time' for the previous tip! :P But I can't think of anything else. See what your friends post and comment, comment, comment!

7. Become A Poet. Lol! Spam your friends walls with quotes. ;D Simple to do. Can't think of any? Find some on the internet!

8. Photographer Yes, I said this in my last edition..I think ='.'= Find old photos from old albumz and share 'em with a good ol' memory! x3

9. Share Animator's Animations with your own comments, of course ;) The animations are the best! (in my opinion)

10. Say ..Congratz! To our new SOTW, Ircyzy! Congratz girl! ;)

So that's about it, I gotta go to sleep: night night ya'll! <3

1 comment:

  1. i cant access my woozin!!!!!!! what do i do?
