Hiyo, So By The Title You Can See
This Is Obviously About Being A Ninja, But Ghee Ima Already A Ninja
Seriously I Got Skillz Bro Skillz But Anywaysss What I'm Gonna Talk
About Is....The 'Ninja Contest' So I've Been Seeing Things Round
Woozworld About A Ninja Contest As in Like Every
Time They have These Types Of Things, yhu Buy A Hair Or A Full Outfit
For More Pointz And Collect Things Yep, I'm Not Into These Contest They
Get Boring But Yeah If Your into Them Go For It. But Anyways Here's More
Info Of The Contest:

Well, we’re sure you’ve heard the big newz: our friends the Chop-Chop Ninjas are back in Woozworld! They’ve upgraded the Chop-Chop Ninja app and are here tosshare the awesome newz with their favorite woozens. Visit the Chop-Chop Ninja HQUnitz to check out the updated app and cool Chop-Chop extra info. For this trip into Woozworld, our ninja buddies Iro and Jo brought the lovely Chop-Chop heroine, Princess Mariko, along with them to join in the fun.
That’s the good newz. But now, we have to tell you the bad newz…
At Princess Mariko’s interview with MyaWooz on Friday, the evil Chop-Chop Shogun crashed the
bash and froze the Princess! Luckily, there is a way we can combat the Shogun’s tricks. But in order to undo his treachery, the Woozband need your help! After some careful research, GoodOldWooz has discoveredfire potions all around Woozworld that you can collect the thaw out the Princess.
Collect as many fire potions as you can tounfreeze the Princess! Wearing the Chop-Chop Ninja Bandanawhile you collect the potions will give you 5 points per potion; wearing a full Ninja outfit will earn you 20 points per potion. Of course you’ll have to be careful since you’re playing with fire – click the flames multiple times to bottle them without getting burned!

sure to track our potion-gathering progress with the leaderboard as we
try to save the Princess from a frozen future. Ifwe manage to unfreeze
her, thetop five Woozens who have collected the most Fire Potions will receive a special prize.
We barely got to know Princess Mariko before the Shogun turned up to freeze her. If we band together we can show the evil Chop-Chop Ninja Shogun how ninja-awesome Woozens can be!
Good luck, Woozens! We’re counting on you to save the Princess!
Your Woozband
So If Yhu Like To Do These Things Well then Buy Lots Of Energy And Get Collecting ^-^
So Right Now They Want Yhu To Buy
The Full Outfits So Yhu get more Points And They get More Money So They
Can Afford To Do Woozworld Lawl But Anyways Here Are The Full Outfits Which Yhu Buy in Store:
So If Yhu Wanna Buy, Go For it
But In my Opinion i Wouldn't But Yhu Can Do What yhu Wanna Do but I
Don't Need No Costume To Show How Ninja I Am Cuz I'm Just Plain Ninja
And For People Who Wanna Spend 220 Wooz Here's The Hair's Yhu Can Buy to Get 5 Points From The Fire Things:
yeh Spend 220 Wooz If Yhu Want, But I'm Not Cuz 1 I Don't Have 220 Wooz
And 2 I Don't Think They're Worth it xP But Yeh That's my Opinion. They should have been cheaper if you ask me, maybe it would be worth it if there was a better outfit to go along with it
New logo asap |
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