Saturday, March 9, 2013

Interview with Chanel185

Hola Woozens!

Today I had an interview with fashion queen Chan! (Chanel185) I also finished my interview with Woozen on the message system, but we'll talk about that later. Before we start, I'd like to say thanks to Chan for letting me interview you! :3

Okay, bold is the question (me) and italic is Chan.

1. How do you feel, winning WoozCarz this year?
I feel sad, but amazing too
I think it wasn't fair from Woozband to forget my actor friends. They should at least say their names at ceremony, but of course, I'm glad and happy they picked me and very thankful.

2. How did you find out about Woozworld?
I found out about Woozworld searching for some online games. 

3. Why do you like fashion designing?
 I like it because I've always been interested in fashion. and one day I decided to make my own

4. What would you change about Woozworld?
Well it's better if you say....add? Because I would change now anything, I would only add some things. Like sitting pose, bigger malls, expensive malls too for rich woozens, more VIP stuff, and such things...

5. What is your favorite thing about Woozworld?
My favorite thing about Woozworld are my fans and friends. Whenever I go online, I get tons of messages, love and support, from them. So that actually makes this game fun for me

Thanks for reading! <3

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