Friday, February 15, 2013


Hii, so you see the title is really random cuz its just *0* cuz I didn't know what to put for the title cuz right now I'm talking bout more than one thing so I can't call it something but talk about another thing as well you know? xD

Omg wzw has been down for so long the seriously its been down for 9-10 hours! Wow they do have to do alot of fixing! It's ages, but if it gets me all my friends back It's worth the wait..anyways so since wzw has been down alot here are some things you can do when it's down for ages like now x3
  • Come here read our post's and chat to awesome woozens! xD
  • Go to a friend in real's place or a friend in real goes to your place, have fun! :p
  • Spend time with family, go outside and play volleyball or something.
  • If you have a XBOX 360 Kinnect...PLAY ON IT! xD
  • Find sites that are full of cool games eg.,,  
  • Do your homework! :O XD
  • Do some art, get creative! C:
  • Have Fun! :p
So there's some ideas of stuff to do, hope I helped.

Ok wanna know what I don't get is people are saying the woozband will pay for having woozworld off for so long! Ugh the woozband are so mean! Etc Etc When really, they're doing it for you, me, everyone! Cuz lot's of people posted on their wallz mean things when it wasn't their fault, so then they spend all day updating it for US and yet now people are annoyed at them for spending the day fixing it because that's what everyone wanted?? Ugh I'm really confuzzled right now.

Oh and yesterday I think I forgot to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you guys had a great day even if you are single you still have your friend right? :D Besides don't worry if your single sometimes fate is just waiting for the right guy for you :p And atleast you still get to eat chocolates! Mmmm chocolate I <3 chocolate Hehe ;D

Ok that's all for now lovlies <3
Luv Ya <3 xx (:

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